viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Who am I?

Hello everyone, my name is David and I am a Dream Mentor.
My job is to mentor objectives and dreams. I'll help you to clarify what you want and to achieve it!
I'm not a coach nor psycologyst, I go beyond! With me, the entire Universe will conspire in your favour!

Why me? What makes me different? What enables me to teach and help?
Easy, I never teach anything I haven't tested on me, first. You cannot teach success or happiness, unless you haven't achieved it to begin with.
I've spent all my life applying and studying these techniques, beginning when I was very young. Thanks to them I achieved the great success that enables me to teach them, I became a JUDGE when I was only 25 years old!!! (And I've got the documents to prove it).
You must understand that I considered it imposible...that's why I applied my techniques to test them!

The global situation demands a more effective response, that's why I decided to share my techniques with you all, and not only for my family and friends.
Many people have CHANGED THEIR LIFES with my help.

Here you have some proofs:
My house assistant was unhappy and brutalized by her husband. With me, she left him, she lives on her own, she sold her 2 previous houses in less than a month (in 2011, which it was impossible to sell a house in Spain) and she met an old friend with whom she is dating now. She was afraid to take the bus, but now she takes the bus and she's got her driving license!!!
Do you remember the Viena concert of 2013? The director gave their musicians some puppets. The elephant was my doing, and the "lazy" (folivora) was one of my pupil's doing!
And I've got many other stories!

Get ready to enter the realm of magic, make your list!!!

You can contact me via: